

產品名稱:7480 1000VA 交流耐壓測試器



產品特點:? 交流耐壓輸出容量可達1000VA, 跳脫電流(Ir) 200mA
? 測試電壓 ACW : 0-5000Vac 全范圍輸出可調
? 智能型防高壓觸電 Smart GFI 功能
? 電壓可設定輸出緩升(Ramp Up) 與緩降 (Ramp Down) 功能
? 測試時間單位可設定 秒(Sec.) / 分(Min.) / 時(Hour) 三種選擇

74807480 1000VA 交流耐壓測試器的詳細資料:

交流耐壓輸出容量可達1000VA, 跳脫電流(Ir) 200mA
測試電壓 ACW : 0-5000Vac 全范圍輸出可調
智能型防高壓觸電 Smart GFI 功能
電壓可設定輸出緩升(Ramp Up) 與緩降 (Ramp Down) 功能
測試時間單位可設定 秒(Sec.) / 分(Min.) / 時(Hour) 三種選擇
可搭配矩陣掃描儀器(7006 Matrix Scanner ) 達到多通道輸出應用
50個記憶組, 每個記憶組可設定步驟連結(Step Linking)
內建PLC Remote 遠程控制界面 Test / Reset 及 三組記憶M1/M2/M3
可選配RS-232 通訊界面, 滿足自動化控制需求


7480 1KVA AC Withstand Voltage Tester

MODEL 7480
Output Rating 5KVAC/200mA
  Range Resolution Accuracy
Output Voltage, ACV 0 - 5000 10 ±(2% of setting + 10V)
Output Frequency 50Hz/60Hz ± 0.1%, User Selection
Output Waveform Sine Wave ,THD.< 2% (Resistive Load), Crest Factor = 1.3 - 1.5
Output Regulation ± (1% of output + 10V), From no load to full load
Hi / Lo -Limit AC Current, mA 0.00 - 99.99/100.0 - 200.0 0.01/0.1 ±(2% of setting + 2counts)
Ramp Up Time, second 0.1 - 999.9 0.1 ±(0.1% + 0.05sec)
HI and LO-Limit (Real), current, mA 0.000-9.999 0.1
Dwell Time 0, 0.3 - 999.9 sec (0=continuous) 0.1
0, 0.1 - 999.9 min (0=continuous) 0.1
0, 0.1 - 999.9 hr (0=continuous) 0.1
Arc Detection 1 - 9 Ranges (9 is the most sensitivity)
AC Current Offset, mA 0 - 2.000 or Auto Set
AC Voltage, KV 0 - 5.00 0.01 ±(2% of reading + 2counts)
AC Current, mA 0.00-20.00 0.01 ±(2% of reading + 3counts)
20.1-200.0 0.1
Input Voltage AC 230VAC ± 10% , 50/60Hz (Input 110V has to add Transformer Box)
PLC Remote Control Input : Test , Reset , Memory1.2.3 ,Interlock
Output : Pass , Fail , Processing
External Scanner Poert Build-in only one Scanner Port to connect 7006 Matrix Scanner.
Safety Smart-GFI Function (< 1mA)
Memory 50 memories
Display 20*2 LCD with back light
Key Lock To prevent unauthorized alteration of the test Parameters
Calibration Build-in software and external calibrated meters
Interface RS232 (Option)
Alarm Volume Setting 10 ranges set by the numeric keys on the front panel
Environment 0-40℃, 20-80%RH
Dimension 430mm(W)×133mm(H)×500mm(D)
Net Weight 24.4Kg
Power Cord ×1
Fuses ×2 (Including a spare contained in the fuse holder)
Interlock Disable Key (1505) ×1
Hipot Return Lead ×1
Hipot Test Lead ×1

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詠繹電子科技(蘇州)有限公司專業(yè)提供7480 1000VA 交流耐壓測試器等產品信息,歡迎來電咨詢!
技術支持:化工儀器網 管理登陸
公司地址:蘇州高新區(qū)長江路436號綠寶商務樓2幢7003室   電話:0512-68051240 GoogleSitemap

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